Monday, 10 November 2008

Does this tell you a story...?

Tell me a story using this image and title("blood, sweat and tears") as your inspiration. It can be as elaborate or as simple as you like just tell me a story...

You can either leave me a story on my blog or email me:


arlenemckeeillustrator said...

hey lady i will tell you a story at work one day i was using the machine for cleaning the floors whe i got my finger stuck in the back i thought the top of my finger was off, just like your kate , so looked at the damage then i saw the blood i felt kinda queesy so i had to go for a lie down , the tears obviously came cause i was on my own and the sweat next as i went into shock,lay down and raised my legs and i am still here, that is my story

Kate said...

Thanks for that graphic tale Arlene! I'm glad you told me your story though